Monday, May 19, 2008

Poll Results: Dessert Rules

Dessert on a Prix Fixe Menu
Essential, Should Always Be Included: 7 votes
Silly, Don't Need It/I Have No Soul: 1 vote
I Think This Poll is Biased: 0 votes

Well done, AMB readers! Once again, you have provided confirmation of what I always suspected, which is that I Am Right.* The completely unbiased poll I designed proves it. Long live dessert.

* the Mouse came down on the other side of this long ago. Thank god for public forums in which to formally work out your sibling quarrels.


The Mouse said...

In defense, I would like to say that I am not anti-dessert as a rule and my soul is fully intact (though possibly in danger, as I do live in sin). I just find desserts offered on a prix fixe to be generally LAME and/or boring. Or there is one appealing item which everyone orders and I just don't see the point in a table full of everyone eating the same individual dessert. Especially when you're already full. Show me the fun in that. I'd rather stuff myself with two appetizers instead.

The defense rests, Your Honor.

The Mouse said...

Oh, also, I'm always right. Just, generally speaking.

Anonymous said...

Um...I was really excited to see two comments on this already, and then it was you.

The Mouse said...

Imagine how our readers must feel...

M. said...

How come I never see these polls? Where do they lurk? I might have an opinion one of these days. But only if you ask about gravy or cooked fruit and one option is "IT'S EVIL."

pdxblogmommy said...

Personally, I love me some dessert. But on the Prix Fixe? It's almost always some kind of vanilla custard or flan or whatever, which, frankly, I find disgusting.

So I side here with the Mouse. And besides...wouldn't you rather walk off the dinner and get something BETTER somewhere else??